The Community Forums are open

Today we are opening the community forums for

It's a great place for community interaction, discussion and learning about any and all things Action(s). Our team read the forums frequently, as well as post responses. We hope to learn a lot about what you think of Action(s) and used many ideas posted here on the forums to make it better.

The forums are still a little bit « under construction », but we hope we will make them look better. Your comments to make them better are also very welcome.

The team

New Action(s) beta

Two weeks that Action(s) has been released now and we are still surprised every day by the incredible success it has been. You have been thousands to come give it a try and we got a lot of great reviews and feedbacks from all around the world.

During this time, we have been busy at to continue improve Action(s). We have listen to your feedbacks and have designed some new great functionalities to make workflow creation easier and safer. They are available right now in the new beta version we are releasing today. This update will download automatically next time you will launch Action(s).

Among all the new functionalities and bug corrections of this new beta version, there is one that we are very proud and that we would like to present you: in Action(s), you might have noticed that a lot of the actions need to receive input to work properly. For example, if you add an “Add Border to Image” action into your workflow, it requires to receive image files to work on, otherwise the action will have no effect.
Well now, if you add such an action at the beginning of your workflow, Action(s) knows that it will have no effect and suggests you to add a matching action in front of it.

Creating your workflow and automation has never been easier.
And more than ever, continue to send us your comments and feedbacks!


Introducing Action(s)

Today is a great day for us at We are releasing the first public beta of our new software, Action(s).

Action(s) lets you build workflows that accomplish manual chores quickly, efficiently, and effortlessly. You don’t have to know any scripting languages or write any code. Instead, you create and execute automation “workflows” simply by dragging and dropping each individual step of a process. It’s like creating a kitchen recipe.

We are very proud of our baby. Here are some of the great features that Action(s) offers:
  • Easy-to-use interface: Action(s) comes with a library of dozens of actions that users can browse or search to find exactly what they need. Actions are dragged and dropped from the library to create workflows.
  • Complete control: the pre-installed actions allow manipulation of files and folders, image cropping, scaling, conversion, and adjustment, command line execution, variable storage and access and much more.
  • Extendable architecture: Developers can easily create and share their own actions.
  • Re-usable: Display controls allow action parameters to be customized each time a workflow is executed; encapsulated flow design enables workflows to be used within other workflows.
  • Portable: Java and XML format used by Action(s) ensure that workflows can be shared with others, whatever their operating system is.

Action(s) is available in English and French and is free.

Simply click on the launch button. Action(s) will download and start.
