Uses of Class

Packages that use Workflow
com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements Provides the public model (interfaces and classes) that developers can use to create their own actions and variables. 
com.jbbres.lib.actions.files Provides classes to interact with Action(s) files. Provides the public classes that developers can use to create their own actions and variables. Provides classes associated to an action that gets the value of the specified variable and, when applicable, allows to modify it. Provides Swing object to interrect with workflow elements, especially variables. 
com.jbbres.lib.actions.workflow Provides the public model that developers can use to interact with Workflow objects. 

Uses of Workflow in com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements

Methods in com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements with parameters of type Workflow
static Element ElementUtilities.clone(Element element, Workflow workflow)
          Creates and returns a copy of the given Element.
 Action ActionExecutionEvent.getAction(Workflow withinWorkflow)
          Returns the Action that has raised the event.
 Element ElementDescription.newElementInstance(Workflow workflow)
          Creates and returns a new instance of the element described.
static Element ElementUtilities.newInstance(java.lang.Class<? extends Element> elementClass, Workflow workflow)
          Creates and returns a new instance of the element class.

Uses of Workflow in com.jbbres.lib.actions.files

Methods in com.jbbres.lib.actions.files that return Workflow
 Workflow ActionsWorkflowFile.getWorkflow()
          Returns a Workflow instance of the workflow stored in the file.

Methods in com.jbbres.lib.actions.files with parameters of type Workflow
 void ActionsWorkflowFile.parse(Workflow workflow)
          Parses the given workflow and stores it in the file.

Uses of Workflow in

Methods in that return Workflow
 Workflow SimpleElement.getWorkflow()
          Returns the workflow.
 Workflow AbstractElementService.getWorkflow()
          Returns the workflow.
 Workflow AbstractElement.getWorkflow()
          Returns the workflow that contains this element.
 Workflow AbstractActionUI.getWorkflow()
          Returns the workflow that this UI belongs to.

Methods in with parameters of type Workflow
 Element SimpleElementDescription.newElementInstance(Workflow workflow)
 Element ResourceBundleElementDescription.newElementInstance(Workflow workflow)

Constructors in with parameters of type Workflow
AbstractAction(Workflow workflow)
          Instantiates a new action.
AbstractElement(Workflow workflow)
          Instantiates a new element.
AbstractVariable(Workflow workflow)
          Instantiates a new variable.
RuntimeVariable(Workflow workflow)
          Instantiates a new run time variable.
SimpleAction(Workflow workflow)
          Instantiates a new simple action.
SimpleElement(Workflow workflow)
          Instantiates a new simple element.
SimpleVariable(Workflow workflow)
          Instantiates a new variable.
StorageVariable(Workflow workflow)
          Instantiates a new storage variable.

Uses of Workflow in

Methods in that return Workflow
 Workflow VariableAction.getWorkflow()
          Returns the workflow.

Methods in with parameters of type Workflow
static Variable VariableActionParameters.getVariable(Workflow workflow, Parameters parameters)
          Returns the variable referenced in a VariableActionParameters.
 Element VariableActionDescription.newElementInstance(Workflow workflow)

Constructors in with parameters of type Workflow
VariableAction(Workflow workflow)
          Instantiates a new variable action.
VariableAction(Workflow workflow, Variable variable)
          Instantiates a new variable action.

Uses of Workflow in

Methods in that return Workflow
 Workflow JVTextPane.getWorkflow()
          Returns the workflow.
 Workflow JVTextField.getWorkflow()
          Returns the workflow.
 Workflow JVTextArea.getWorkflow()
          Returns the workflow.
 Workflow JNewFileSelection.getWorkflow()
          Gets the workflow.
 Workflow JGoToActionComboBox.getWorkflow()
          Returns the workflow.

Methods in with parameters of type Workflow
 void JVTextPane.setWorkflow(Workflow workflow)
          Set the workflow associated to the JVariableTextField.
 void JVTextField.setWorkflow(Workflow workflow)
          Set the workflow associated to the JVariableTextField.
 void JVTextArea.setWorkflow(Workflow workflow)
          Set the workflow associated to the JVariableTextField.
 void JNewFileSelection.setWorkflow(Workflow workflow)
          Sets the workflow.
 void JImageSelection.setWorkflow(Workflow workflow)
          Set the workflow that this panel is working on.
 void JFileSelection.setWorkflow(Workflow workflow)
          Set the workflow that this panel is working on.
 void AbstractVariableComboBox.setWorkflow(Workflow workflow)
          Sets the workflow whom variables are displayed in this box.

Constructors in with parameters of type Workflow
AbstractVariableComboBox(Workflow workflow)
          Creates a new box.
ActionRenderer(Workflow workflow)
          Instantiates a new action list renderer.
JDateComboBox(Workflow workflow)
          Create a new box.
JFileComboBox(Workflow workflow)
          Create a new box.
JFileSelection(Workflow workflow)
          Create the JFileSelection.
JFileSelection(Workflow workflow, defaultFile)
          Create the JFileSelection.
JFileSelection(Workflow workflow, defaultFile, boolean diplayPath)
          Create the JFileSelection.
JFileSelection(Workflow workflow, java.lang.String defaultPath)
          Create the JFileSelection.
JGoToActionComboBox(Workflow workflow, Action action)
          Instantiates a new combo box.
JImageComboBox(Workflow workflow)
          Create a new box.
JImageSelection(Workflow workflow)
          Create the JImageSelection.
JImageSelection(Workflow workflow, defaultImage)
          Create the JFileSelection.
JNewFileSelection(Workflow workflow)
          Create the JFileCreation.
JNewFileSelection(Workflow workflow, defaultFile)
          Create the JFileCreation.
JNewFileSelection(Workflow workflow, defaultFile, boolean diplayPath)
          Create the JFileCreation.
JNewFileSelection(Workflow workflow, java.lang.String defaultPath)
          Create the JFileCreation.
JVComboBox(Workflow workflow)
          Instantiates a new JObjectVariableComboBox.
JVTextArea(Workflow workflow)
          Constructs a new JTextArea.
JVTextArea(Workflow workflow, java.lang.String text)
          Creates a new JTextArea, with a specified text.
JVTextField(Workflow workflow)
          Constructs a new TextField.
JVTextField(Workflow workflow, javax.swing.text.Document doc, java.lang.String text, int columns)
          Constructs a new JTextField that uses the given text storage model and the given number of columns.
JVTextField(Workflow workflow, int columns)
          Constructs a new empty TextField with the specified number of columns.
JVTextField(Workflow workflow, java.lang.String text)
          Constructs a new TextField initialized with the specified text.
JVTextField(Workflow workflow, java.lang.String text, int columns)
          Constructs a new TextField initialized with the specified text and columns.
JVTextPane(Workflow workflow)
          Constructs a new JTextPane.
JVTextPane(Workflow workflow, java.lang.String text)
          Creates a new JTextPane, with a specified text.
JVTextPane(Workflow workflow, javax.swing.text.StyledDocument doc)
          Creates a new JTextPane, with a specified document model.

Uses of Workflow in com.jbbres.lib.actions.workflow

Methods in com.jbbres.lib.actions.workflow that return Workflow
 Workflow Workflow.clone()
 Workflow WorkflowEvent.getSourceWorkflow()
          Returns the workflow that is the source of the event.
 Workflow WorkflowDefinitionEvent.getSourceWorkflow()
          Returns the workflow that has raised the event.

Constructors in com.jbbres.lib.actions.workflow with parameters of type Workflow
WorkflowDefinitionEvent(Workflow source, Action action, int oldPosition)
          Instantiates a new event.
WorkflowDefinitionEvent(Workflow source, Element element)
          Instantiates a new event.
WorkflowDefinitionEvent(Workflow source, WorkflowDefinitionNotification notification)
          Instantiates a new event.
WorkflowEvent(Workflow source)
          Instantiates a new workflow event.
WorkflowEvent(Workflow source, int workflowStatus)
          Instantiates a new workflow event.
WorkflowEvent(Workflow source, int workflowStatus, java.lang.Object workflowResult)
          Instantiates a new workflow event.

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