Uses of Interface

Packages that use Element
com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements Provides the public model (interfaces and classes) that developers can use to create their own actions and variables. Provides the public classes that developers can use to create their own actions and variables. Provides classes associated to an action that gets the value of the specified variable and, when applicable, allows to modify it. 
com.jbbres.lib.actions.workflow Provides the public model that developers can use to interact with Workflow objects. 

Uses of Element in com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements

Classes in com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements with type parameters of type Element
 interface ElementDescription<T extends Element>
          Provides information regarding the element, such as its name, a short description, its version number etc.

Subinterfaces of Element in com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements
 interface Action
          An interface that specifies all methods essential to an Action(s)'s action.
 interface Variable
          An interface that specifies all methods essential to an Action(s)'s variable.

Methods in com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements that return Element
static Element ElementUtilities.clone(Element element, Workflow workflow)
          Creates and returns a copy of the given Element.
 Element InvalidParametersException.getElement()
          Returns the Element that has received an incorrect Parameters object.
 Element ElementDescription.newElementInstance(Workflow workflow)
          Creates and returns a new instance of the element described.
static Element ElementUtilities.newInstance(java.lang.Class<? extends Element> elementClass, Workflow workflow)
          Creates and returns a new instance of the element class.

Methods in com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements with parameters of type Element
static Element ElementUtilities.clone(Element element, Workflow workflow)
          Creates and returns a copy of the given Element.
static boolean element1, Element element2)
          Compares two elements.

Method parameters in com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements with type arguments of type Element
static ElementDescription<?> ElementUtilities.getDescription(java.lang.Class<? extends Element> elementClass)
          Extracts the element description object associated to a given Element class.
static Element ElementUtilities.newInstance(java.lang.Class<? extends Element> elementClass, Workflow workflow)
          Creates and returns a new instance of the element class.

Constructors in com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements with parameters of type Element
InvalidParametersException(Element element, Parameters parameters)
          Instantiates a new invalid properties exception.

Uses of Element in

Classes in with type parameters of type Element
 class AbstractElementDescription<T extends Element>
          Provides information regarding the element, such as its name, a short description, its version number etc.
 class ResourceBundleElementDescription<T extends Element>
          Provides information regarding the element, such as its name, a short description, its version number etc.
 class SimpleElementDescription<T extends Element>
          Provides information regarding the element, such as its name, a short description, its version number etc.

Classes in that implement Element
 class AbstractAction
          This abstract class provides default implementations for most of the methods in the Action interface.
 class AbstractElement
          This abstract class provides default implementations for most of the methods in the Element interface.
 class AbstractVariable
          This abstract class provides default implementations for most of the methods in the Variable interface.
 class RuntimeVariable<C>
          This abstract class provides default implementations for most of the methods in the Variable interface.
 class SimpleAction<I,O>
          This abstract class provides default implementations for most of the methods in the Action interface.
 class SimpleElement
          This abstract class provides default implementations for most of the methods in the Element interface.
 class SimpleVariable<C>
          This abstract class provides default implementations for most of the methods in the Variable interface.
 class StorageVariable<C>
          This abstract class provides default implementations for most of the methods in the Variable interface.

Methods in that return Element
 Element SimpleElementDescription.newElementInstance(Workflow workflow)
 Element ResourceBundleElementDescription.newElementInstance(Workflow workflow)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Element
 java.lang.Class<? extends Element> ResourceBundleElementDescription.getElementClass()
          Returns the element class.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Element
static ElementDescription<?> ResourceBundleElementDescription.getElementDescription(java.lang.Class<? extends Element> clazz)
          Extracts the element description object associated to a given Element class.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Element
ResourceBundleElementDescription(java.lang.Class<? extends Element> elementClazz)
          Instantiates a new ResourceBundleElementDescription describing the given Element class.
ResourceBundleElementDescription(java.lang.Class<? extends Element> elementClazz, java.util.ResourceBundle resourceBundle)
          Instantiates a new resource bundle element description.
ResourceBundleElementDescription(java.lang.Class<? extends Element> elementClazz, java.lang.String baseName)
          Instantiates a new ResourceBundleElementDescription describing the given Element class.

Uses of Element in

Classes in that implement Element
 class VariableAction
          A concrete implementation of Action that returns the value of a Variable selected via its UI.

Methods in that return Element
 Element VariableActionDescription.newElementInstance(Workflow workflow)

Uses of Element in com.jbbres.lib.actions.workflow

Methods in com.jbbres.lib.actions.workflow that return Element
 Element WorkflowDefinitionEvent.getChangedElement()
          Returns the element that is at the origin of the event.

Methods in com.jbbres.lib.actions.workflow with parameters of type Element
 boolean Workflow.add(Element element)
          Adds an element (an Action or a Variable) to the workflow.
 boolean Workflow.add(Element element, boolean useRecommendations)
          Deprecated. since 1.1.0
 boolean Workflow.contains(Element e)
          Tests if the specified Element is a component in this workflow.
 void Workflow.fireElementAdded(Element element)
          Calls the elementAdded() method of all the workflow listeners.
 void Workflow.fireElementRemoved(Element element)
          Calls the elementRemoved() method of all the workflow listeners.
 boolean Workflow.remove(Element element)
          Removes an element (an Action or an Variable) from the workflow.

Method parameters in com.jbbres.lib.actions.workflow with type arguments of type Element
 boolean Workflow.add(java.lang.Class<? extends Element> elementClazz)
          Creates an instance of the Element class and add it to the workflow.
 boolean Workflow.add(java.lang.Class<? extends Element> elementClazz, boolean useRecommendations)
          Deprecated. since 1.1.0

Constructors in com.jbbres.lib.actions.workflow with parameters of type Element
WorkflowDefinitionEvent(Workflow source, Element element)
          Instantiates a new event.

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