Uses of Interface

Packages that use Action
com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements Provides the public model (interfaces and classes) that developers can use to create their own actions and variables. Provides the public classes that developers can use to create their own actions and variables. Provides classes associated to an action that gets the value of the specified variable and, when applicable, allows to modify it. Provides Swing object to interrect with workflow elements, especially variables. 
com.jbbres.lib.actions.workflow Provides the public model that developers can use to interact with Workflow objects. 

Uses of Action in com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements

Methods in com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements that return Action
 Action ActionExecutionEvent.getAction(Workflow withinWorkflow)
          Returns the Action that has raised the event.

Uses of Action in

Classes in that implement Action
 class AbstractAction
          This abstract class provides default implementations for most of the methods in the Action interface.
 class SimpleAction<I,O>
          This abstract class provides default implementations for most of the methods in the Action interface.

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type Action
ResourceBundleActionDescription(java.lang.Class<? extends Action> actionClass)
          Extracts the action description object associated to a given Action class.

Uses of Action in

Classes in that implement Action
 class VariableAction
          A concrete implementation of Action that returns the value of a Variable selected via its UI.

Uses of Action in

Methods in that return Action
 Action JGoToActionComboBox.getParentAction()
          Returns the parent action.

Constructors in with parameters of type Action
JGoToActionComboBox(Workflow workflow, Action action)
          Instantiates a new combo box.

Uses of Action in com.jbbres.lib.actions.workflow

Methods in com.jbbres.lib.actions.workflow that return Action
 Action Workflow.getAction(int index)
          Returns the action at the specified index.
 Action[] Workflow.getActions()
          Returns the actions composing the workflow.
 Action Workflow.getNextAction()
          Returns the next action to be executed by the workflow.
 Action Workflow.getNextAction(Action ref)
          Returns the action immediatly following ref in the workflow.
 Action Workflow.getPreviousAction(Action ref)
          Returns the action immediatly preceding ref in the workflow.
 Action Workflow.remove(int index)
          Removes the action at the specified position in this Vector.

Methods in com.jbbres.lib.actions.workflow with parameters of type Action
 boolean Workflow.add(Action action)
          Appends the specified action to the end of the workflow.
 boolean Workflow.add(Action action, boolean useRecommendations)
          Deprecated. since 1.1.0
 void Workflow.add(Action action, int index)
          Inserts the specified action at the specified position in this workflow.
 void Workflow.add(Action action, int index, boolean useRecommendations)
          Deprecated. since 1.1.0
 void Workflow.add(int index, Action action)
          Inserts the given action at the specified position in this workflow.
 void Workflow.add(int index, Action action, boolean useRecommendations)
          Deprecated. since 1.1.0
 void Workflow.fireActionMoved(Action action, int previousPosition)
          Calls the actionMoved() method of all the workflow listeners.
 void Workflow.fireActionRemoved(Action action, int previousPosition)
          Calls the elementRemoved() method of all the workflow listeners.
 Action Workflow.getNextAction(Action ref)
          Returns the action immediatly following ref in the workflow.
 Action Workflow.getPreviousAction(Action ref)
          Returns the action immediatly preceding ref in the workflow.
 int Workflow.indexOfAction(Action action)
          Searches for the first occurence of the given action within the workflow.
 boolean Workflow.moveAction(Action action, int toPosition)
          Moves the given action to the toPosition position.
 int Workflow.positionOf(Action action)
          Returns the action position in the workflow.
 void Workflow.setNextAction(Action nextAction)
          Sets the next action to be executed by the workflow.

Method parameters in com.jbbres.lib.actions.workflow with type arguments of type Action
 void Workflow.add(java.lang.Class<? extends Action> actionClazz, int position)
          Creates an instance of the Action class and add it to the workflow.
 void Workflow.add(java.lang.Class<? extends Action> actionClazz, int position, boolean useRecommendations)
          Deprecated. since 1.1.0

Constructors in com.jbbres.lib.actions.workflow with parameters of type Action
WorkflowDefinitionEvent(Workflow source, Action action, int oldPosition)
          Instantiates a new event.

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