FreewareGenuis pick

Action(s) has been selected freewaregenuis pick by the famous blog. As we are reading this website since a long time at, and loving what these guys are doing, you can imagine that this has been a great surprise for all of us.

A few selected lines:
« The range of options that Actions supports, I will say, is truly impressive »
« What can this program do for you? Most anything you can think of. »
« Very user friendly and goes a long way towards making this application accessible and easy to learn »
« There’s no syntax to learn and no libraries or functions to deal with; the experience is closer to building a Lego than writing code. »
And my personal favorite Laugh: « I’ve been playing with this software for a couple of days and I just love it. The developers have done an astounding job making this software both powerful and accessible. »

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