Uses of Class

Packages that use Parameters
com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements Provides the public model (interfaces and classes) that developers can use to create their own actions and variables. Provides the public classes that developers can use to create their own actions and variables. Provides classes associated to an action that gets the value of the specified variable and, when applicable, allows to modify it. 

Uses of Parameters in com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements

Methods in com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements that return Parameters
 Parameters ActionExecutionEvent.getExecutionParameters()
          Returns the Parameters object that has been given for the action execution.
 Parameters InvalidParametersException.getParameters()
          Returns the invalid parameters causing the exception.
 Parameters Element.getParameters()
          Returns the state of the element.

Methods in com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements with parameters of type Parameters
 java.lang.Object ActionService.execute(java.lang.Object input, Parameters parameters)
          Executes the action.
 void Element.setParameters(Parameters parameters)
          Sets the current state of the element.

Constructors in com.jbbres.lib.actions.elements with parameters of type Parameters
ActionExecutionEvent(ActionService source, int status, java.lang.Object input, Parameters parameters, java.lang.Object result)
          Instantiates a new event.
ActionExecutionEvent(ActionService source, int status, java.lang.Object input, Parameters parameters, java.lang.Object result, java.lang.Throwable exception)
          Instantiates a new event.
ActionExecutionEvent(ActionService source, java.lang.Object input, Parameters parameters)
          Instantiates a new event.
InvalidParametersException(Element element, Parameters parameters)
          Instantiates a new invalid properties exception.
InvalidParametersException(Parameters parameters)
          Instantiates a new invalid properties exception.

Uses of Parameters in

Methods in that return Parameters
 Parameters RuntimeVariable.getParameters()
abstract  Parameters AbstractVariableService.getParameters()
          Returns the current value of the variable, using Parameters format.
 Parameters AbstractVariable.getParameters()
 Parameters AbstractActionUI.getParameters()
          Returns the current settings of the UI.
 Parameters AbstractAction.getParameters()

Methods in with parameters of type Parameters
 java.lang.Object SimpleAction.execute(java.lang.Object input, Parameters parameters)
 java.lang.Object AbstractActionService.execute(java.lang.Object input, Parameters parameters)
abstract  O AbstractActionService.executeAction(I input, Parameters parameters)
          Executes the action.
 void SimpleAction.fireActionExecutionEnd(int status, java.lang.Object input, Parameters parameters, java.lang.Object result)
          Calls the actionExecutionEnds() method of all the action listeners.
 void AbstractActionService.fireActionExecutionEnd(int status, java.lang.Object input, Parameters parameters, java.lang.Object result)
          Calls the actionExecutionEnded(ActionExecutionEvent) method of all the listeners.
 void SimpleAction.fireActionExecutionEnd(int status, java.lang.Object input, Parameters parameters, java.lang.Object result, java.lang.Throwable exception)
          Calls the actionExecutionEnds() method of all the action listeners.
 void AbstractActionService.fireActionExecutionEnd(int status, java.lang.Object input, Parameters parameters, java.lang.Object result, java.lang.Throwable exception)
          Calls the actionExecutionEnded(ActionExecutionEvent) method of all the listeners.
 void SimpleAction.fireActionExecutionStart(java.lang.Object input, Parameters parameters)
          Calls the actionExecutionStarts() method of all the action listeners.
 void AbstractActionService.fireActionExecutionStart(java.lang.Object input, Parameters parameters)
          Calls the actionExecutionStarted(ActionExecutionEvent) method of all the listeners.
 void RuntimeVariable.setParameters(Parameters parameters)
abstract  void AbstractVariableService.setParameters(Parameters parameters)
          Sets the value of the variable.
 void AbstractVariable.setParameters(Parameters parameters)
 void AbstractActionUI.setParameters(Parameters parameters)
          Restores the UI settings.
 void AbstractAction.setParameters(Parameters parameters)

Uses of Parameters in

Subclasses of Parameters in
 class VariableActionParameters
          The specifics Parameters for VariableAction.

Methods in that return Parameters
 Parameters VariableAction.getParameters()

Methods in with parameters of type Parameters
 java.lang.Object VariableActionService.execute(java.lang.Object input, Parameters parameters)
 void VariableActionService.fireActionExecutionEnd(int status, java.lang.Object input, Parameters parameters, java.lang.Object result)
          Calls the actionExecutionEnds() method of all the action listeners.
 void VariableActionService.fireActionExecutionEnd(int status, java.lang.Object input, Parameters parameters, java.lang.Object result, java.lang.Throwable exception)
          Calls the actionExecutionEnds() method of all the action listeners.
 void VariableActionService.fireActionExecutionStart(java.lang.Object input, Parameters parameters)
          Calls the actionExecutionStarts() method of all the action listeners.
static Variable VariableActionParameters.getVariable(Workflow workflow, Parameters parameters)
          Returns the variable referenced in a VariableActionParameters.
static boolean VariableActionParameters.isAssignValue(Parameters parameters)
          Returns the assign value flag referenced in a VariableActionParameters.
 void VariableAction.setParameters(Parameters parameters)

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