Action(s) 1.1

Action(s) 1.1 is now available for download.

The update will download automatically next time you will start Action(s) from your desktop or by clicking on this the launch button below:

Action(s) 1.1 contains next to a 100 new functionalities, improvements and bug corrections, including:

New actions for emails
New actions for emails

9 new actions to efficiently manage email messages. Compatible with Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, Live Mail and more.

Loops and Conditions
Loops and Conditions

3 new actions to improve the dynamic of your workflows: Condition, Loop and Dispense items incrementally.


Execute scripts within your workflow, using JavaScript or AppleScript*.

Improved security
Improved security

Improved security. Application signed with a 2048 bit certificate.

And much more...

Action(s) 1.1 includes more than 100+ improvements and corrections. Check out the detailled release notes for more information.

*AppleScript requires Mac OS X.